Backyard Wedding Casual Groom Attire: Tips And Ideas For A Laid-Back Celebration

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Kentucky Homespun Antique Farm Wedding Groom attire, Casual groom

If you’re planning a backyard wedding, you’re probably going for a relaxed and intimate vibe. But when it comes to the groom’s attire, it can be tricky to strike the right balance between casual and stylish. After all, you want to look put-together without feeling too stuffy or uncomfortable. Here are some tips and ideas for nailing the perfect backyard wedding casual groom attire.

Consider the Season and Time of Day

The first thing to think about is the season and time of day of your wedding. If you’re having a summer afternoon wedding, you’ll want to choose light and breathable fabrics like linen or cotton. For a fall or winter celebration, you can go for heavier fabrics like wool or tweed. And if your wedding is in the evening, you might want to opt for darker colors and dressier fabrics.

Go for a Laid-Back Look

When it comes to the actual style of the groom’s attire, aim for a laid-back look that’s still polished. A linen suit paired with a crisp white shirt and a pair of loafers is a great option for a summer wedding. For a more casual vibe, you could go for a pair of chinos or khakis and a button-down shirt. And if you really want to keep things low-key, a pair of dress shorts and a lightweight blazer can look stylish and comfortable.

Don’t Be Afraid to Add Some Color

While traditional wedding attire tends to be black, white, or gray, a backyard wedding is the perfect opportunity to inject some color into your outfit. Consider adding a pop of color with a bright tie or pocket square, or go for a bold suit in a shade like blue or green. Just make sure that the color you choose complements your partner’s outfit and the overall color scheme of your wedding.

Accessorize Wisely

Accessories can make or break an outfit, so choose wisely. A leather belt and a pair of dress shoes are a must for any groom’s outfit, but you can also add a watch or a pair of sunglasses for a more relaxed look. And if you’re going for a more formal outfit, a boutonniere or a tie clip can add a touch of elegance.

Get the Fit Right

No matter what your outfit of choice is, getting the fit right is key. Make sure that your suit or shirt fits well and is tailored to your body. You don’t want to be tugging at your clothes or feeling uncomfortable all day. And if you’re unsure about the fit, don’t be afraid to ask a professional for help.

Have Fun with Your Outfit

Finally, remember that your wedding day is a celebration, so have fun with your outfit. Whether you want to go for a bold color, a funky pattern, or a quirky accessory, don’t be afraid to show off your personality and style. After all, this is your day, and you should feel confident and comfortable in whatever you wear.


A backyard wedding is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate your love in a relaxed and intimate setting. And with the right casual groom attire, you can look stylish and feel comfortable all day long. From choosing the right fabrics and colors to accessorizing wisely and getting the fit right, these tips and ideas will help you create the perfect laid-back look for your special day.


Q: Can the groom wear shorts to a backyard wedding?

A: Yes, the groom can wear dress shorts to a backyard wedding, especially if the wedding is a casual affair. Just make sure to pair them with a lightweight blazer or a dress shirt to keep the outfit polished.

Q: What colors are appropriate for a backyard wedding?

A: While traditional wedding colors are black, white, and gray, a backyard wedding is a great opportunity to add some color to your outfit. Consider shades like blue, green, or even pink, depending on your personal style and the overall color scheme of your wedding.

Q: Should the groom match the wedding colors?

A: While the groom doesn’t necessarily need to match the wedding colors exactly, it’s a good idea to choose an outfit that complements the overall color scheme. For example, if the bridesmaids are wearing blush dresses, the groom could wear a navy suit with a blush tie or pocket square.

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