Wedding Gift Ideas For Couples Already Living Together

2 min read

10 Outstanding Wedding Gift Ideas for Couples Already Living Together

Weddings are a time of celebration and joy, but finding the perfect gift for a couple that already shares a home can be a challenge. While traditional wedding gifts like housewares and appliances may not be necessary, there are still plenty of thoughtful and practical options that will make their special day even more memorable. In this article, we’ll explore some wedding gift ideas for couples already living together that are sure to bring a smile to their faces.

1. Personalized Artwork

A piece of personalized artwork can be a great way to commemorate a couple’s special day and add a unique touch to their home decor. Consider commissioning a custom portrait of the happy couple or having their names and wedding date printed on a canvas or framed print.

2. Experience Gifts

For couples that value experiences over material possessions, consider gifting them a unique and memorable experience. This could be anything from a hot air balloon ride to a cooking class or a weekend getaway to a nearby spa or resort.

3. A Gift Card for a Local Restaurant

Even couples that love to cook and entertain at home can appreciate the occasional night out. A gift card to their favorite local restaurant can be a thoughtful and practical gift that they’ll enjoy long after their wedding day.

4. Home Upgrades

While traditional housewares may not be necessary, there are still plenty of practical home upgrades that can make a difference in a couple’s day-to-day life. Consider gifting them a smart home device like a Nest thermostat or a set of high-quality sheets or towels.

5. Personalized Wine Glasses

For couples that enjoy a good glass of wine, personalized wine glasses can be a thoughtful and practical gift. Consider having their names and wedding date engraved on a set of high-quality wine glasses that they can use for years to come.

6. A Unique Piece of Furniture

If you’re looking to splurge on a gift for a couple already living together, consider gifting them a unique piece of furniture that they’ll cherish for years to come. This could be anything from a refurbished vintage sofa to a handcrafted coffee table or a custom-made bed frame.

7. A Charitable Donation

For couples that have everything they need, a charitable donation can be a meaningful and thoughtful gift. Consider making a donation to a cause that’s important to them in their name as a way to give back and make a difference.


Finding the perfect wedding gift for a couple already living together may seem like a challenge, but there are plenty of thoughtful and practical options that they’re sure to appreciate. Whether you opt for personalized artwork, experience gifts, or practical home upgrades, the most important thing is to choose a gift that reflects the couple’s unique personality and style.


What are some unique wedding gift ideas for couples already living together?

Some unique wedding gift ideas for couples already living together include personalized artwork, experience gifts, a gift card for a local restaurant, home upgrades, personalized wine glasses, a unique piece of furniture, and a charitable donation.

What are some practical wedding gift ideas for couples already living together?

Some practical wedding gift ideas for couples already living together include smart home devices like a Nest thermostat, high-quality sheets or towels, and practical home upgrades like a new set of kitchen knives or a high-quality coffee maker.

Should I still give a wedding gift if the couple already lives together?

Yes, it’s still customary to give a wedding gift even if the couple already lives together. While traditional housewares and appliances may not be necessary, there are plenty of thoughtful and practical options that will make their special day even more memorable.