The Perfect Casual Country Wedding Dress: Tips And Ideas

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45 Short Country Wedding Dress Perfect with Cowboy Boots, Short or High


Getting married in a casual country setting has become increasingly popular in recent years, and with it comes the need for the perfect casual country wedding dress. While traditional white wedding dresses are beautiful, they may not be the best option for a relaxed countryside wedding. In this article, we will give you some tips and ideas to help you find the perfect dress for your big day.

Tip 1: Consider the Fabric

When it comes to choosing a casual country wedding dress, the fabric is key. You want to choose a fabric that is lightweight and breathable, as you will likely be spending a lot of time outdoors. Some great options include cotton, lace, and chiffon. These fabrics will not only keep you cool but will also give you a relaxed and effortless look.

Tip 2: Think About the Style

The style of your dress is also important. A-line dresses are a great option for a casual country wedding as they are comfortable and flattering on most body types. Another popular option is a bohemian-style dress with flowy sleeves and a loose silhouette. Whatever style you choose, make sure it is comfortable and reflects your personality.

Tip 3: Don’t Be Afraid of Color

While white is the traditional color for a wedding dress, it may not be the best choice for a casual country wedding. Consider incorporating some color into your dress, such as soft pinks, blues, or greens. These colors will complement the natural surroundings and give your dress a unique look.

Tip 4: Accessorize with Boots

When it comes to footwear, boots are a great option for a casual country wedding. They are comfortable, stylish, and will keep your feet clean and dry. Consider wearing cowboy boots or ankle boots with your dress to complete the look.

Tip 5: Keep Makeup and Hair Simple

When it comes to your hair and makeup, keep it simple and natural. A loose updo or soft waves will complement your dress and the relaxed country setting. For makeup, opt for a natural look with soft colors and subtle highlights.


Choosing the perfect casual country wedding dress is all about reflecting your personality and embracing the relaxed setting. With these tips and ideas, you will be able to find a dress that is comfortable, stylish, and perfect for your big day.


What kind of fabric should I choose for a casual country wedding dress?

You should choose a fabric that is lightweight and breathable, such as cotton, lace, or chiffon.

What style of dress is best for a casual country wedding?

A-line dresses and bohemian-style dresses are great options for a casual country wedding.

Can I wear a dress with color to a casual country wedding?

Yes, you can incorporate some color into your dress, such as soft pinks, blues, or greens.

What kind of footwear should I wear to a casual country wedding?

Boots are a great option for a casual country wedding, such as cowboy boots or ankle boots.

How should I do my hair and makeup for a casual country wedding?

Keep it simple and natural, with a loose updo or soft waves for your hair and a natural makeup look with soft colors and subtle highlights.

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