Dwight And Angela Wedding: A Joyful Celebration Of Love

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The Office The Wedding of Dwight and Angela Photo 694601


Dwight and Angela’s wedding was a much-anticipated event in the world of television. Fans of The Office had been waiting for years to see these two quirky characters tie the knot. When the day finally arrived, it was a joyous occasion that left us all feeling warm and fuzzy inside.

The Wedding

The wedding took place at Schrute Farms, Dwight’s family’s beet farm. The venue was decorated with rustic charm, with hay bales and wildflowers creating a cozy and intimate atmosphere. The bride wore a traditional white gown, while the groom donned a sharp suit and a beaming smile. The ceremony was officiated by none other than Michael Scott, who added some of his signature humor to the proceedings.

The Reception

The reception was a lively affair, with plenty of food, drink, and dancing. The guests were treated to a delicious buffet of Schrute family specialties, including beet salad and beet burgers. The music was provided by Dwight’s cousin Mose, who played a variety of traditional folk tunes on his banjo. The highlight of the evening was the couple’s first dance, which was a beautifully choreographed routine to the song “We Found Love” by Rihanna.

The Guests

The wedding was attended by a mix of Office characters and real-life celebrities. Notable guests included Jim and Pam Halpert, who looked as happy as ever, and Creed Bratton, who provided some comic relief with his unusual dance moves. Also in attendance were John Krasinski and Emily Blunt, who were close friends of the couple.

The Honeymoon

After the wedding, Dwight and Angela jetted off to Europe for an extended honeymoon. They visited several countries, including Italy, France, and Germany, and documented their travels on social media. From the looks of it, they had an incredible time, and it was clear that their love for each other was stronger than ever.


Dwight and Angela’s wedding was a beautiful celebration of love and commitment. It was a reminder that even the most unconventional couples can find happiness together. We wish them all the best in their future together, and can’t wait to see what the future holds for these two beloved characters.


When did Dwight and Angela get married?

Dwight and Angela got married on the ninth season of The Office, in the episode “Finale.”

Where was the wedding held?

The wedding was held at Schrute Farms, Dwight’s family’s beet farm.

Who officiated the wedding?

The wedding was officiated by Michael Scott, the former regional manager of the Scranton branch of Dunder Mifflin.

Who were the notable guests at the wedding?

Notable guests included Jim and Pam Halpert, Creed Bratton, and John Krasinski and Emily Blunt.

Where did Dwight and Angela go on their honeymoon?

Dwight and Angela went on an extended honeymoon through Europe, visiting countries such as Italy, France, and Germany.

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